

特別通告: SPU Website暫停運作 | Special: SPU Website Temporarily Unavailable

日前由於伺服器設定有誤而導致外間未能瀏覽本網, 因此本網現暫停運作並會儘快於Google Sites恢復顯示有關內容, 直至另行通知, 不便之處, 敬請原諒。

現歡迎各下瀏覽本人為「ePortfolio for All: A Roadmap for Success」製作的範本ePortfolio

Due to the incorrect setting of the server leading to a failure of accessing the SPU website, the website will be temporarily closed and resumed on the Google Sites ASAP. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

You are now more welcomed to visit the sample ePortfolio I created for the "ePortfolio for All: A Roadmap for Success" project.

Sunny's Production Unit a.k.a. SPU